VAAB Robotics - Learn by Doing

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VAAB Robotics

Learn by Doing.........


Friday, 30 November 2012


V-2 Bot

V-2 Bot is an autonomous programmable robot designed by team VAAB. This robot is designed using AVR microcontrollers with many features.

 In this workshop, the participants are introduced to the interesting and exciting topic of MICROCONTROLLERS and basics EMBEDDED SYSTEMS. The participants are given a chance to bestow artificial intelligence to the robots. This two day workshop is all about programming the robot using the MICROCONTROLLERS and their environments,  which are widely used in the industries and basics of EMBEDDED SYSTEMS  

The MICROCONTROLLER used in this workshop is  ATmega8 and the development environment used is WinAVR .In this workshop basics of  EMBEDDED 'C' language will be covered so you can make your own programs to control your robot. After this workshop the participants will be able to build robots with artificial intelligence. This workshop will be conducted for 2 days (16 Hrs), with each day divided into 2 sessions.

 In this workshop, the different robots which will be built are as mentioned below:
  • Line following robot
  • Obstacle avoiding robot
  • Dancing Robot
  • Light controlled robot  

              and many more……………………….
along with this you will be able to interface number of I/O devices to the MICROCONTROLLER
  • LEDs 
  • Buzzer
  • switchs
  • DC motors
  • 16 * 2 alphanumaric LCD

The course content which will be followed for the workshop is as mentioned below:-
  •  Introduction Embedded systems and ROBOTICS
  •  Introduction to autonomous robotics (controller based)
  •  Advantages of controller based robots
  •  Basic parts of a Robot
  •  Mechanical System
  •  Power Supply System
  •  Actuators
  •  Control System
  •  Microcontrollers and microprocessors
  •  Installing and using WinAVR
  •  Sensors
  •  Hands On Session
  •  Mechanical assembly of the robot
  •  Dumping the hex file into the controller
  •  I/O operations
  •  Actuator Test
  •  Writing program for the different types of robots

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

PCB designing for B-Tech academic projects

          BORED OF USING 

                      PROTOTYPING PCB 

                    FOR YOUR PROJECTS.........



Wednesday, 14 November 2012


When we were in B-Tech we have done lots of robotics and Embedded systems based projects.We found a lot of students just like us.

So we thought of uniting us in to a "ROBOTIC COMMUNITY" to establish a platform to share our works with each other.this helps in rapid development in this field.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Racing Competition

           After participating in many robot racing events in several collages we found that students are still using old DPDT switch based Technics to drive their robots. Some students don't even know that they are using "H-bridge" for controlling the motors. Most of them are using a wire ribbon to connect the remote to switch.very less people using wireless technique.

Soccer Competition

Soccer Competition

Olden days people watch people playing football. But today we are making robots to play football. A robotic foot ball game makes you think innovative by  placing multiple challenges in front of you. Here you need to make a better  kicking mechanism which sharpens your mechanical skills. Here raises the Question."How to get a good kicking mechanism?".

Line Follower Competition

Every robot builder begins his first experiment with "LINE FOLLOWER"

This is the best to begin. Because it consists of less hardware and simple sensors.
By working with this Bot one can easily get familiar with
Basic electronics and mechanics
and it is the only robot that can be made with in less budget.

Robotic Event Organizing

Hello Roboteers......................!

Are you planning for Technical symposium in your college? 

 Planning for a Robotic competitions and workshops...?


We help you in organizing these events in your college.


if you are newbie  to ROBOTS we can help you making your first ROBOT at a very less cost. So that
 We can also provide training for the participants

Line Follower Competition